Blessed water flowing from the mountain where the nature gods reside creates the Kobaru Gorge.
This waterfall, located at the first stage of Mt.Sobo at the Kobaru trailhead, is also known as the Gyouran-no Taki Waterfall.
Mt.Sobo at an altitude of 1,765 meters. The name ‘Sobo’ is said to have been given to this mountain because ‘Princess Toyotama’, the grandmother of Emperor Jinmu, is enshrined here. (Sobo means a grandmother.)
The area is covered with primeval forests of beech and Japanese hemlock and is a habitat for the rarely encountered Japanese serow.
The area is home to many very rare plants, such as the endangered ubadake-ninjin and the kirengeshoma, allowing visitors to experience the bounty of nature.
*The area including Mt.Sobo was registered as a ‘UNESCO Biosphere Reserve’ on 14 June 2017. The natural environment, sustainable agriculture and forestry in the surrounding area, and traditional events such as lion dances and kagura, which pray for a good harvest, were deemed suitable for registration.
Gyouran-no Taki Waterfall (The waterfall at the first station of Mt. Sobo) 祖母山一合目の滝(暁嵐の滝)
- Address住所
- Kobaru Taketa City Oita Japan ※Please head for the Kobaru trailhead of Mt. Sobo大分県竹田市神原 ※祖母山神原登山口を目指してください
- Parking駐車場
- Available 駐車場あり
Approx. 40 minutes by car from JR Bungo Taketa stationJR豊後竹田駅から車で約40分